History is an Outline, not a Blueprint

Falling oil prices and collapsing exchange rates do not mean that it’s 1998 again.   sign posts past and future

There’s an old adage that “economists have predicted 17 of the last 3 recessions”.

History is an outline, a guide, but there’s a reason we disclaim “past performance is no guarantee of future results”.  It should be modified to say “past history does not mean it will repeat itself here again”.


History is an Outline, not a Blueprint 

Gas Taxes Across the Country

interactive gas tax chart

Summer is right around the corner, so I thought I’d share the really cool chart above (and link below for interactive) for the various state gas taxes across the country.

As a side note, I’m curious to see how gas taxes are addressed by states going forward. With higher fuel efficiency and hybrid technology, gas tax revenues are down since people are buying less gas.

Interactive Gas Tax Chart



The Story Behind Gas Prices

The price of gasoline has definitely gone up over the past month and most experts expect it to continue its rise during the spring and into the summer.

Curious about how the price of gasoline goes up and down, and why?

This is a pretty good article describing the supply of oil, refineries, delivery of gas, etc.

Read it to be informed as the summer and higher prices come upon us.


Quarter End Review / Preview

This week’s video is my 1st Quarter Review and my 2nd Quarter Preview.

The first quarter was good (yeah!), and I list the items I’ll be watching and thinking about for the 2nd quarter.

A must see video (if I do say so myself).


Hi Clients and Friends, Mike Brady here. This is the first quarter review and second quarter pre-view for 2011.

Now, in general, the first quarter was a little bouncy in February, but overall a positive quarter; actually, a very strong and nice quarter. The indexes, which of course you can’t invest in indexes, but they’re something that you see in newspapers and TV, etc., that we refer to all the time, the stock market indexes in general were all positive sort of in the middle numbers, four, five, six, something like that. The big winner was the sector that is small cap around nine or ten percent for the first quarter, depending on which slice you look at. Corporate bonds were positive for the year, for the first quarter I should say. And that is good for them, two to three percent. Government bonds were pretty flat either zero or actually negative, between zero and one percent, once again depending on which slice and what duration you want to look at.

So for this second quarter, what’s going to happen? Oh, boy, that’s always a tricky one. We have to look at it, I think, week and month by month. Some of the things I will be paying attention to will be quantitative easing, ending in June. Quantitative easing, (QE2 is what we call it) has been an influx of capital into the markets and that is going to end in June. Also Bernanke is going to give his first ever press conference at the end of April and boy, I think if you’ve been watching my videos and reading my newsletters you know I’m not a big fan of Ben Bernanke, so I’m kind of curious what he’s going to say and well you know kind of what the reaction is to him.

I’m going to continue to watch for the real numbers. I’m becoming more and more of a proponent that what you read and what gets put out there is not really telling the full story. A great example would be unemployment. The unemployment rate is 8.8 percent right now which is supposed to be good news. But the U6, which is the unemployment number including people who have given up looking, is quite high, sixteen or seventeen percent. So, I’m going to continue to look at what the real numbers are, telling us the real data. Just one more example while I’m thinking of it is inflation. Inflation, the CPI, does not include food and oil, as if we don’t drive or eat. I mean that’s a goofy number. So what are the true numbers so that we can understand what the recovery is saying.

I’m going to continue to watch oil. Oil has really increased in the last three or four months or so. And as I mentioned at the beginning of the year oil can be a real sidetrack, a good de-railer for the economy if it increases. And it has increased quite a lot since the beginning of the year. I don’t have the number right in front of me but as I recall it was around $88, and now it is right around $113, or $114. So it has started to increase and that is of concern to me.

These are some of the things that I’m going to really watch very closely this second quarter. And of course, I encourage you to give me a call as we go through the quarter if there are any concerns or questions you might have about the impact of this or that on the markets and on your portfolio, etc.

My name is Mike Brady. My company is Generosity Wealth Management, The phone number is 303.747.6455. I am a registered representative with Cambridge Investment Research. And we’ll talk to you next week. Thank you bye bye.






Oil Prices

Oil has been one of the big pieces of news recently, with some forecasters predicting much higher prices at the pump, whereas others are predicting a stabilization and downward trend as other countries start to increase their output.

The price of oil is important for our economic recovery, and if prices continue to climb, this will not be good. A higher oil price can negate all the progress we’ve seen so far.

To the right is the historical price of oil. Let’s not forget we’ve been here before and survived.