The Guidance You Need as You Work Toward a Happy, Healthy Long-Term Relationship with Your Money

Our Philosophy


Together we’ll define what you want your wealth to accomplish.


Once goals have been determined, we’ll create a plan to help get you there, while allowing you to sleep easy at night.


We will guide you on how to stay consistent and disciplined as we strive to achieve your financial goals.

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Generosity Wealth Updates

From Wealth Management to Global Impact: How Generosity Shapes Lives

From Wealth Management to Global Impact: How Generosity Shapes Lives

Discover how Generosity Wealth Management, led by Mike Brady, is transforming wealth into global impact. From supporting orphans in Ukraine and Poland to encouraging community involvement, learn how financial stewardship can leave a lasting legacy of generosity. Watch the latest video to see how clients are making a difference.

Mid-Year Review Navigating 2024 with Strategic & Tactical Thinking

Mid-Year Review Navigating 2024 with Strategic & Tactical Thinking

"A goal should scare you a little and excite you A LOT" - Joe Vitale As we surpass the midpoint of 2024, it's time to reflect on the financial journey so far and strategically plan for the remainder of the year. Mike Brady of Generosity Wealth Management provides a...

Put Your Wealth to Work for You

885 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO 80302

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