The Guidance You Need as You Work Toward a Happy, Healthy Long-Term Relationship with Your Money

Our Philosophy


Together we’ll define what you want your wealth to accomplish.


Once goals have been determined, we’ll create a plan to help get you there, while allowing you to sleep easy at night.


We will guide you on how to stay consistent and disciplined as we strive to achieve your financial goals.

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Generosity Wealth Updates

Mid-Year Review Navigating 2024 with Strategic & Tactical Thinking

Mid-Year Review Navigating 2024 with Strategic & Tactical Thinking

"A goal should scare you a little and excite you A LOT" - Joe Vitale As we surpass the midpoint of 2024, it's time to reflect on the financial journey so far and strategically plan for the remainder of the year. Mike Brady of Generosity Wealth Management provides a...

Enhance Your Financial Strategy with Our New Tax Analysis Service

Enhance Your Financial Strategy with Our New Tax Analysis Service

Explore Generosity Wealth Management’s new tax analysis service, a transformative addition to your financial planning toolkit. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, Mike Brady and his expert team analyze your tax returns to propose strategic opportunities that aim to maximize your wealth, not just minimize taxes. Dive into how this new service can enrich your financial future and complement your wealth management goals. Embrace a proactive approach to financial health with Generosity Wealth Management in Boulder, Colorado.

Beyond the Noise: Smart Investing with a Forward-Looking Eye

Beyond the Noise: Smart Investing with a Forward-Looking Eye

"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett In our latest video, Mike Brady of Generosity Wealth Management discusses the importance of focusing on actionable, forward-thinking strategies in investing rather...

Put Your Wealth to Work for You

885 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO 80302

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