Ten Things Making Me Nervous

If you look back at my 3rd Quarter Preview (here) I mentioned I forecast the 3rd quarter would be up. That’s proving to be a great move (if I do say so myself).

But what makes me nervous?

This article sums up a lot of my feelings.

Does that mean I’m bearish for the 4th Quarter?

I guess you’ll have to wait until my 4th Quarter preview in a couple of weeks to find out.

Click on this link for FULL  ARTICLE


Dark Side of Deficits

Are we on the cusp of a secular bull market?

Does the economy and the stock market go in sync? Is one a leading indicator for the other?

How do you value the stock market? Forward P/Es or Reported P/Es?

And how will our current deficits affect the answers to all these questions?

This is one of the best articles of the year, packed with information for you to fully understand our current situation. For your convenience, I’ve highlighted what I think is most important.