Interactive Comparison of GDP
Here’s a great interactive comparison website.
Here’s a great interactive comparison website.
Goodbye 2011 and hello 2012! What happened and what’s my outlook for 2012? Optimistic or pessimistic?
Watch my video to find out.
Hi there, Mike Brady with Generosity Wealth Management, and today I want to talk to you about a little bit of a review on 2011, but spend most of my time talking about the current situation right now. And you know, maybe do a little bit of a, …, thinking about 2012 and what the future may hold.
2011 was a real volatile year. I mean frankly, when we look back at year upon year we can always say that it’s very volatile. I’m going to show you a graph in a minute or two that actually shows, we kind of forget about it, but many years have large declines intra-year. So 2011, (I’m going to throw this box up there); this is kind of a style box from value, blend, growth, and large, and mid, and small cap.* And by the way, I’ve got lots of disclosures at the end of this video so I highly encourage you to read those disclosures about the unmanaged stock indexes. So what you’ll see is, in general, the U.S. market was up a couple of percent to down five or six percent, but it was a wild ride the way we got there.
The first four, four and a half months of the year were up starting in May and June, we saw some weakness and then August and September were really quite brutal. Just huge, you know, hundred point swings in the DOW every other day and it was really quite painful and there was a huge focus on the downgrade of the U.S. government by S & P and a real focus on the U.S. federal debt. And, you know, 2011, one of the surprises was how well bonds did. I know I’m very surprised. And Bill Gross, who runs one of the largest funds out there, particularly bond focused funds, he admitted half way through the year, well maybe three quarters of the year, that he guessed it wrong. So, I think that how well the bonds did in 2011 is going to be the big surprise. But that’s why we remain diversified. Because my experience has shown, in twenty-one years, that the thing that you love the most sometimes you’re just darn wrong about! And so the thing that you hate the most, sometimes you’re wrong about that as well. So it’s really looking at the percentages, maybe weighting one over the other and changing that allocation throughout the year.
So you’re probably wondering about 2012. Right here in my hands I’ve got “15 Experts Predict 2012,” a little article. And we’re talking big names, Goldman Sachs, and UBS, and you know, kind of every big name that you can think of out there. And frankly, one article says that China is the best thing in the world, then the next one says China’s going to be a problem. One says that the U.S. is going to have great growth and the next one says it’s going to have poor growth. One saying bonds are good, one bad, and really the answer is always unclear, this year is no different.
I do believe we’re going to continue to have volatility, and one thing that I’m going to do is meet with clients and talk about whether or not some strategies need to be implemented to take advantage of that. But I am optimistic about 2012. I’m going to throw up a chart here; we’re going to see that the percentage of current assets that are in cash and equivalents has increased. And from a corporation point of view, that makes a lot of sense. I mean that when there’s uncertainty, you’re not sure how many widgets you’re going to be able to sell or how many services you’ll be able to provide, you want the best balance sheet that you can have. And I think the best recipients, when that cash gets converted back into research and development, gets back into the economy, I think that mid and small cap companies are going to be the ones that are kind of the first beneficiaries of that.
2012, I feel will be event driven, just like 2011 will. [sic.] We’re going to hear lots of stuff from Europe, and we’re going to hear a lot about the debt, and of course this is an election year so we’re going to hear all about, all about the election year politics. But I think we’re also going to hear about China. That’s going to come in here because it’s had a huge growth. It’s been one of the largest, kind of emerging into the developing markets, but it’s faltering. And this could be the year where it kind of teeter-totters to the bad side. So that’s something that I’m going to really watch out for.
I’m going to throw up here on the chart, that as it relates to volatility, here’s a chart that, we kind of forget about it but most years have some kind of volatility. The bottom number is entry year, kind of decline, and that does not mean that the year ended. The black number is actually what the year ended. So although there might have been a double digit decline throughout the year and everyone kind of freaks out, you know, it’s not over till it’s over. I’m here in Boulder and we got our Denver Broncos and between the fourth quarter and overtime, you know, the game’s not over till the whistle blows. And so throughout the year if we have some huge declines we have to assess at that time, “hey, wait a second, is this going to continue, or is this just one of those throughout the year declines that we still feel firm in our analysis that the market may be under-valued?”
Speaking of the market being under-valued, I don’t hold much weight with forward price to earnings ratios, but I do like, not the forward, but the actual price to earnings ratio is low right now. Particularly in comparison to like the twenty year average and what it’s historically been. So I’m kind of in the Warren Buffett camp that believes that this is a market that is under-valued; that the economy is actually getting better, it might not feel that [sic.], particularly if you’re unemployed. I mean we have an unemployment problem, and we have a housing problem. But you know, I’m kind of in that camp.
You know I could sit here and go on and on and on. But I think that I’ve gotten my feelings out to you that in general, I’m optimistic about 2012. I think that small and mid-cap are probably kind of the styles that deserve closer attention. But you’ve got to, of course, do what’s consistent with what your risk levels are, and your particular goals. And work with your financial advisor and hopefully that financial advisor is me, but if not, of course, everything I say here today is kind of general, so you can get a general feel for how I’m thinking.
That’s it for 2012.
Mike Brady, Generosity Wealth Management; I do have these videos on a weekly, sometimes every other week, depending on how busy I kind of get and if I’m able to get it out in time.
I am a full service wealth management firm, here in Boulder, although I have a number of clients in many different states. I named it Generosity Wealth Management because I truly believe that people are trying to make the world a better place and that includes making things better for themselves so that they are not a burden upon others in their own retirement. That they make things better for their family – so that they can pass money on to their family or just provide for them; whether it’s a college education; whether or not it’s just to make their life a little bit easier. But also to make their community a better place- both local and global community. And so there’s some “generosity” that each of us have inside us. And that’s many of the thoughts that went into my company name of Generosity Wealth Management.
And please, stay tuned, I will have another video and another newsletter before you know it. You have a wonderful, wonderful day- bye bye.
* Small Cap- refers to stocks with a relatively small market capitalization. The definition of small cap can vary among brokers, but generally it is a company with a market capitalization of between $300 million and $2 billion.
Mid Cap- refers to a company with a market capitalization between $2 and $10 billion, which is calculated by multiplying the number of a company’s shares outstanding by its stock price. Mid cap is an abbreviation for the term “middle capitalization”.
Large Cap- A term used by the investment community to refer to companies with a market capitalization value of more than $10 billion. Large cap is an abbreviation of the term “large market capitalization”. Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the number of a company’s shares outstanding by its stock price per share.
Keep in mind that the dollar amounts used for the classifications “large cap”, mid cap”, or “small cap” are only approximations that change over time. Among market participants, their exact definitions can vary.
Definitions courtesy of and reflect a general rather than specific understanding of these industry terms, unless otherwise stated.
As I’ve stated in previous newsletters, the European Monetary Union (Euro) will have to change drastically for Europe to weather their problems. There will also be some drastic, fundamental ways the relationship between state and citizens will change.
The question is: what does this mean for your investments?
1. I continue to caution against all things Europe
2. Constantly evaluate the allocation of your investments to ensure they’re meeting your risk levels
3. Consider more active management in the coming year. Talk to me about what this might mean.
Their money supply is drying up, and unlike in the US, they don’t have the same tools at their disposal that we have (like printing money).
The chart at the right is the money supply at the Bank of Italy.
What an interesting month! Who would have thought it would turn out to be such a good month just a short 3 to 4 weeks ago? Many people actually, if you seek out alternative voices to that which you see in the daily paper or newscast. I talk about this in this week’s video below.
Also, I talk about how you should assess the level of communication in the past 2 to 3 months from your adviser. Did you hear from him/her? You sure as heck should have.
Lastly, now is a great time to get back to basics.
Click on video to hear more.
GWM- Video Transcript- 28 October 2011- Information, Communication, Basics
Hi there, Mike Brady with Generosity Wealth Management, here in Boulder, Colorado. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a video and sent a newsletter out. But my last video was about fifteen or sixteen minutes, and that was pretty long compared to my previous ones but I had a quarterly review and lots happening in the third quarter.
Today I’m thinking about two or three different things; the first one is information, the second is communication and the third is kind of getting back to basics.
Let me tell you what I mean by that; information. Three, four weeks ago, let’s not kid each other, you could not open up a newspaper or a magazine or watch, you know, some nightly news telecast without it all being negative. “If it bleeds, it leads.” And one of the responsibilities, I believe, of an investor and your financial advisor is not to get into a bunch of group think. I remember back in 1999, early 2000, when the internet boom was going on, if you poopa’ed any kind of an internet stock or tech company- you were just like “old thinking.” I remember Warren Buffet back in in 1998, 1999, was at a big conference of some type and yeah, there were all these internet people saying “oh God, he’s old thinking” “he needs to get with the new economy.” And, you know what, that took courage on his part, (of course he had a few billion behind him) to say “listen, I believe that your analysis is incorrect.”
Well frankly, three or four weeks ago everyone was saying the market stinks and the economy stinks, and there’s no way that it can go but down. And, that’s just not the case. I’m glad that the last quarter, excuse me, the last month has been a good month. Do I know exactly where it’s going to go-if it’s going to continue on its upward trend, is it going to reverse and go back to the down? No, I don’t. But I say that very humbly. And I watch things very closely. And I’m going to continue to have the right percentages.
I am going to next week, (assuming nothing major happens), in the next week or so, I’m going to do a video that I did about two or three months ago on information and confidence in your information. I did the video, and then so much stuff was happening in the month of August that I kind of had to put it in the can, I had to kind of put it to the side. But I want to do that because it is so relevant. I just listened to it before turning on this video, my camera here and I think it’s great and I’m very excited to share that with you.
Second thing is communication. A financial advisor sure as heck should reach out to clients and sure as heck should have been communicating with you. Because if you only hear from a financial advisor when things are going well, that’s a problem- in my opinion. You pay a financial advisor to help you, to set up a plan to hold your hand, you know sometimes, in the difficult times.
If you’re my client, you know that I gave you a call; that I reached out to you and that you’ve always got these videos and blogs and newsletters.
The last thing that I want to talk about is getting back to the basics. You know, I’ve always talked about estate planning, and tax planning, retirement planning. These are absolutely the core, essential pieces of what you should be doing for yourself. The market is going to go up, and it is going to go down, OK? I’m just telling you that. Up, down, sideways, three ways the market goes. And reassess for yourself how you felt this last quarter, and did you completely want to go off and completely change everything? No! (Hopefully not.) You need to have a plan, yes it needs to be modified accordingly, but hopefully you’re in partnership with somebody who will help tell you when “wow, we need to radically change this,” or only minimally change it, or maybe do nothing. That is proactively doing nothing is still doing something, OK? And so make sure that you get back to the basics; is your portfolio in line with what your risk level is? I think that’s absolutely essential and that’s some of the best advice that you can get.
Now I believe going forward that we’re going to have, so maybe I’m thinking of four things (!), I think we’re going to have some volatile markets and this is an opportunity for some tactical allocation, some dynamic asset allocation. So one of the things that I’m going to be talking about in the next quarter or so, for clients, is how that plays into your portfolio.
I think there are certain markets where this is… where having a more actively managed portfolio makes sense. And I think going forward that is going to be the situation because we’re having various trading ranges, increased volatility and lots of range trading and ex cetera.
So, anyway those are some of my thoughts. I guess it’s not quite as short a video as I thought. Sorry about that. But well, you could have hit pause at any time during this video!
Anyway, Mike Brady, Generosity Wealth Management, 303.747.6455. I would love to hear from you. If you’re my client I absolutely love you. If you’re not my client, I like you, but I’d love to get to love you. So please give me a call, or an e-mail;
But anyway, you have a wonderful, wonderful day and a wonderful week, and we’ll talk to you later bye bye now.
If you’ve been wondering if you’re the only person confused by what all the hub bub is about, this is your opportunity to get caught up.