Quantitative Easing

The title of the article below is

“More Proof That Our Leaders are Clueless…”.

I’m sure I’m quite that pessimistic, but I’ve been persuaded by the side of the argument that the additional cash reserves that will probably be released into our system will simply be held by the banks and not accomplish what it’s intended.

I’m pretty unimpressed with the Fed.



Ten Things Making Me Nervous

If you look back at my 3rd Quarter Preview (here) I mentioned I forecast the 3rd quarter would be up. That’s proving to be a great move (if I do say so myself).

But what makes me nervous?

This article sums up a lot of my feelings.

Does that mean I’m bearish for the 4th Quarter?

I guess you’ll have to wait until my 4th Quarter preview in a couple of weeks to find out.

Click on this link for FULL  ARTICLE


Inflationary Period Decisions

Last week I talked about recommendations assuming we’re in a DEflationary period.

This week I give suggestions for how to invest in an INflationary period.

Oh yeah, lots of good stuff in my videos (if I do say so myself).

Listen to my video below.


Deflationary Period Decisions

At the beginning of the year most economists were predicting an inflationary period.

They were wrong.

This week I give suggestions for how to invest in a DEflationary period.

Next week I take the opposite view and say “how should you invest if it’s actually an inflationary period?”. Hilarity ensues of course. Okay, maybe not.

Listen to my video below.