Jun 19, 2013 | Interest Rates
Mortgage rates are going back up, and will more than likely stay up.
However, they’re still very low from a historical point of view, with the normal being over 5.5%
Why the increase?
1. The Fed is going to stop bolstering the housing market
2. The economy is no longer reeling
3. 3.3% rates were unprecedented
For a deeper discussion of this, click on the link below
Farewell 3% Mortgage Rates
May 9, 2013 | Funny / Interesting
I make no secret of the fact that I’m a huge Lord of the Rings fan, along with the prequel The Hobbit.
Not that I’m counting or anything, but there are only 224 days left until December 13th, when “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” opens in theaters.
If you’ve read this far down in the newsletter, you have no one to blame but yourself for this random piece of information.
I’ll keep you posted as the year unfolds.
Apr 24, 2012 | Real Estate
Nice article on the national scene about our local Boulder housing situation.
Lou Barnes from Boulder West believes prices have bottomed out, even if “a recovery is something else”.
Good, interesting article. Be sure to click on it.
Boulder Colorado Housing
Oct 28, 2011 | Behavioral Finance , Personal Finance
I care about you, your family, and your property. I want you to be safe.
Here are 7 Mistakes that can make you a target for burglary
1. Leaving the burglar alarm off when you’re running out for a few minutes
2. Posting detailed alarm signs
3. Hiding valuables in the bedroom
Click for the rest of the list…….
Jan 19, 2011 | Behavioral Finance , Reading Recommendation , Real Estate , Videos
Every wondered what the 2008 Financial Crisis was all about? The Big Short by Michael Lewis is a good, gripping book that explains much of it. I highly recommend it.
But what are some of the lessons we can take from this crisis as outlined in the book?
That’s what this week’s video is about.
Take 4 minutes to watch/listen to it.