8 Notable Price Points Adjusted for Inflation

2014 06 25 6 million dollar man edit

Somehow the $28,852,576.06 Man just doesn’t have the same ring to it, but that’s what it would be in 2014 with inflation.

Inflation is a real thing, even if it’s been incredibly low as of late.  With quantitative easing and a zero interest rate policy by the Fed, it’s actually been unusually low and for a sustained time frame.

I think it’s reasonable to expect inflation in the future, whether that’s 2, 5, or 10 years.  

There are some investments that are less interest rate and inflation sensitive than others, so keep that in mind when crafting a well diversified portfolio.  If you have questions about your portfolio, I’m just a phone call away.

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Most Efficient, Groundbreaking Way to Hold a Hamburger

2014 06 25 hamburger

Like investment theories, there are different philosophies on the best way to hold a hamburger for maximum efficiency.

Hey, I’m an efficiency fanatic and need to know these things.

So, researchers spent 4 months (experts in fluid mechanics, engineering, and dentistry) to figure out the best way eat a large hamburger.  It included a 3D scan of the hamburger to study how the particles interacted together.

Now that I’ve teased you, click on the link to watch the 1:26 video with the answer.

Most Efficient Way to Hold a Hamburger

What is your audit probability?

audit probability

The probability of getting audited is much lower today than it was 30 years ago, but is up since the year 2000. It is definitely income dependent.

If you made more than $200,000, you had a 3.26 % probability of being audited in 2013, but a less than 1% probability if you made less than that. Over $1mm in income? You’ve got a 1 in 10 chance.


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