95 Books in 2015

Interior_view_of_Stockholm_Public_Library Time for my annual book review, and in 2015 I ended up reading 95 books, less than the 118 in 2014 but I also had a pretty busy year (lost 40+ lbs, started martial arts, expert in over 40 different publications, etc.).

54% were fiction 46% non-fiction. 70 of the books I rated 4 or 5 stars, so I chose well. I read 11 personal development books, 15 business, and 18 general non-fiction.

My favorite fiction was probably Genesis Extinction Point #4, which doesn’t help you if you haven’t read books 1-3. It’s a dystopian view of a plague brought by an invading alien race. Totally didn’t know where it was going, and very creative.

My favorite personal development book was Extreme Productivity, which taught me the OHIO principal Only Handle It Once. My favorite business book was How Winning Works by Robyn Benincasa, an extreme sports professional I saw speak in August. My favorite general non-fiction was American Icon, a book about Ford Motor Company in the 2000s. Fascinating.

My least favorite book by far was Tony Robbins’ Money Master the Game. Horrible writing, horrible analysis and conclusions.

Anyway, here’s the full list of all my books in Excel format and in PDF format.

Mike Brady in the News

I’ve had a great time this year being interviewed by many journalists, allowing me to share my thoughts with others.Forbes-Magazine-Logo-Fontbetter

I was going to post or email each time I was quoted, but there have been so many (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, DailyFinance, US News and World Report), that I was afraid you’d think I was some media hound and it’d get boring.

So, I’ve added a new page to my webpage that will keep a running tally of all my mentions in the general press. You’ll notice the advice I give is far ranging, which is what you’ve come to expect from me.

Here’s my new page on the webpage.

Mike Brady — In the News

Mike Brady in the Wall Street Journal


There are few things as sweet as your first mention in the Wall Street Journal. March 10th was the day Mike Brady arrived in print!

Since I was written up in the TheSuit Magazine, I’ve had a number of requests for interviews, expert quotes, and general articles about how I interact with clients.

I provide distinction from others in my field in the relationships I build and how I focus on the “why”, vision, and goals. Activating your creative “right brain” is just as important as the logical “left brain”. I’ve been interviewed on this recently for a technical journal, and will share it with you once available.

Anyway, if you want to see your advisor/friend in the Wall Street Journal, I’m just a click away!

Link to The Wall Street Journal

Privacy Policy and ADV

Okay, I know privacy notices and my Form ADV could be considered boring, and after the video above (which you clicked on of course), you want a contiprivacy policy nuation of the most exciting new information in the world.

Well, privacy policies can sort of be interesting, can’t they?

And my ADV tells you all kinds of things about me, like when I was born, where I went to school (Go Hurons!), and all about my professional registrations.  It also lists my outside activities, charities and other non-profits I’m involved in.

Have I sucked you into clicking on either of the links yet?  Don’t say I didn’t try.  (You know secretly want to).

ADV 2A – CIRA Firm Brochure

ADV 2B – Michael Brady

Privacy Policy

ADV and Privacy Notices

I will soon be changing my Investment Advisory Representative (IAR) affiliation from my own state Registered Investment Advisory Firm to a SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm (Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc.).

I will continue to use Generosity Wealth Management as my “doing business as”, with the same logo, email address, phone number, etc.Logo Final JPEG

Besides my disclosures changing, it will be mostly transparent to existing clients. Fees, management, investments, account numbers, etc. are all the same.

I am doing this to simplify my business, and with additional regulatory requirements and costs, the economies of scale simply aren’t there for firms of my size. Therefore, my purpose is to outsource these requirements and compliance to Cambridge.

In the meantime, the links below are the last time I’ll offer my Form ADV and privacy notices under my state registered advisory firm.

What is an ADV you ask? It’s a form and brochure that describes what Generosity Wealth Management is, who I am, and how we do business.

If you would like a copy, please click on the link below. For your reading pleasure, I also have included links to my privacy notices.

How exciting is all that?

Form ADV

Privacy Notice – Cambridge Investment Research

Privacy Notice – Generosity Wealth Management