Generosity Wealth Management

Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. – Norman Vincent Peale

Generosity Wealth Management provides you with the information you need to stay abreast of the top financial news. If you ever have any questions, you can reach out to us directly.

Mid-Year Check-In

While there have been some exciting one day swings in the unmanaged stock market indexes so far this year, it's actually been relatively calm, without big 5% and 10% weekly and monthly swings that we see periodically in the markets. As of the end of the 2nd quarter,...

Mike Brady in the News

I've had a great time this year being interviewed by many journalists, allowing me to share my thoughts with others. I was going to post or email each time I was quoted, but there have been so many (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, DailyFinance, US News and World Report),...

Radio Interview with Dr. Jason Carthen

I was recently asked to be on an hour long radio show / podcost talking about ethics in the workplace. It was titled "Navigating the Demands of Business and Remaining True to Yourself". It was lot of fun, and the host was really engaged and enthusiastic.  While he and...

White Castle

I'm pretty proud of the fact I've lost 32 lbs this year, gave up all sugar, eat pretty darn good, and started Martial Arts training this January. I'm lean and mean, and your typical healthy Boulderite. However, I absolutely love White Castle.  I grew up in Michigan...

