7 Simple Things Most Investors Don’t Do



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I’m entering my 24th year working with clients.

I did financial plans for people decades ago, and usually, those that did reach their goals did so not because they bought mutual fund A instead of mutual fund B, or this investment over another, it  had to do with having the right behavior and keeping the big questions in mind.

Ben Carlson wrote an absolutely wonderful blog that I’ve linked to below.  He says very succinctly what I say all the time, and truly believe.

Here’s his list of 7 Simple Things Most Investors Don’t Do

  1. Look at everything from an overall portfolio perspective
  2. Understand the importance of asset allocation
  3. Calculate investment performance
  4. Save more every year
  5. Focus only on what you control
  6. Delay gratification

These are absolutely right on, and reflect my thinking.


7 Simple Things Most Investors Don’t Do – Full Article

It’s not a Banking Problem

T his article is good because it talks about Household and Consumer Debt as the underlying problem with our financial problems, not the banking regulations.

I happen to agree personal consumer debt has been a huge problem for our country and will continue to be a major factor in the next crisis.

What can you do?

Get your personal debt under control and as low as possible. If you need help with strategies around this, please let me know me.