Deleverage? No, Default!

Many articles have been written in the past year about the decline in U.S. Household Debt.

This is something to celebrate, right? People are paying off their debt, right?

Wrong. It is almost scary how closely the decline in US Household debt correlates with the charge-offs of mortgage and consumer loans.

People are defaulting, not paying them off.



Dark Side of Deficits

Are we on the cusp of a secular bull market?

Does the economy and the stock market go in sync? Is one a leading indicator for the other?

How do you value the stock market? Forward P/Es or Reported P/Es?

And how will our current deficits affect the answers to all these questions?

This is one of the best articles of the year, packed with information for you to fully understand our current situation. For your convenience, I’ve highlighted what I think is most important.