I’m in East Africa right now

While you’re reading this blog, I’m in East Africa working with 2 charities–BeadforLife and Bearing Witness Rwanda. Both are great organizations and I look forward to sharing more with you upon my return.

As all my clients know, even when I’m out of town I watch things closely and (with modern technology) am available in short order. If you leave a message or an email, I’m back with you before you know it.

I love Africa, the African people, and the good work we’re doing here. Africa is improving and I’m proud to be associated with groups that are making a difference.

Happy Easter to you all. I return on April 23rd.

Bearing Witness – Rwanda

My wife Cassidy and I will be on the staff of a retreat in Rwanda again this April.

It’s very powerful.

Over this 5 day retreat, we will bear witness to the horror and tragic impact of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide as well as the current sate of healing and reconciliation efforts within Rwanda.

Consider attending this with us. We’d love to have you in Africa with us.