Time for my annual book review, and in 2015 I ended up reading 95 books, less than the 118 in 2014 but I also had a pretty busy year (lost 40+ lbs, started martial arts, expert in over 40 different publications, etc.).
54% were fiction 46% non-fiction. 70 of the books I rated 4 or 5 stars, so I chose well. I read 11 personal development books, 15 business, and 18 general non-fiction.
My favorite fiction was probably Genesis Extinction Point #4, which doesn’t help you if you haven’t read books 1-3. It’s a dystopian view of a plague brought by an invading alien race. Totally didn’t know where it was going, and very creative.
My favorite personal development book was Extreme Productivity, which taught me the OHIO principal Only Handle It Once. My favorite business book was How Winning Works by Robyn Benincasa, an extreme sports professional I saw speak in August. My favorite general non-fiction was American Icon, a book about Ford Motor Company in the 2000s. Fascinating.
My least favorite book by far was Tony Robbins’ Money Master the Game. Horrible writing, horrible analysis and conclusions.
Anyway, here’s the full list of all my books in Excel format and in PDF format.