The Hobbit 2: The Desolation of Smaug

If you don’t know my wife and I are huge Lord of the Rings and Hobbit fans, then we’re new friends or you’ve not been paying attention.

It’s now October, and for the next 2 months you’re stuck hearing from me about the December 13th opening of the 2nd movie in The Hobbit trilogy.

Is this a big deal? Duh………

Hobbit 2- The Desolation of Smaug

Baby Ostriches Dancing in Circles

So, you’re wondering what the connection to a video of Dancing Baby Ostriches have in common with a financial newsletter.

Absolutely nothing.

I figure, a newsletter that starts off with a discussion of equity and bond direction, followed up with emerging markets, GDP numbers, and ending with 5% mortgage rates, it’s just not complete without something completely irrelevant.

Therefore, Dancing Baby Ostriches.

Stay Cool Under Pressure


I love this video because it shows a young man staying cool under pressure.

The cymbal breaks during a performance of the “Star Spangled Banner”, and instead of panicking, he calmly places his remaining cymbal on the floor and salutes the flag for the remainder of the performance.

I know it’s just a small event memorialized forever in a YouTube video, but it’s a reminder to me that when the unexpected happens, stay cool, and trust your instincts to do the right thing.

Why Do Black Shirts Get Hot in the Sun?


It’s summer now, and after such a wet and cold spring, I’m looking forward to some warm sun on my shoulders.

But, have you every wondered why black shirts get hot in the sun?

Fortunately, your trusty adviser here has the answer. It has to do with which wavelengths of the light spectrum are absorbed and which are reflected.

You want to appear smarter at the next BBQ with the full answer at the tip of your tongue? Click below.

 Full Article

Bilbo Baggins’ Home Recreated with a Bonsai

Baggins' home recreated with Bonsai

I make no secret of the fact that I’m a huge Lord of the Rings fan, along with the prequel The Hobbit.

 Not that I’m counting or anything, but there are only 224 days left until December 13th, when “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” opens in theaters.

 If you’ve read this far down in the newsletter, you have no one to blame but yourself for this random piece of information.

I’ll keep you posted as the year unfolds.


Hovercraft Golf Cart

Forget all those things I write about in my newsletter that I say I want for Christmas or my birthday. I’ll pass on all of them if I can have this Hovercraft Golf Cart.

Seriously, how much fun does this look like?